A: Please pay for & reserve each next month at the end of the prior month. For example, pay/book February at the end of January. This helps me arrange & reserve my scheduling in advance.
Q: 24-Hour Notice for makeup/credit?
A: I really need advance notice for any opportunity to reschedule/reuse a missed appointment. I have limited time for teaching, need to maximize it's potential. Without 24 hour notice I cannot credit your missed lesson.
Q: Three lesson minimum?
A: If you want to permanently reserve a time slot I need a three lesson minimum commitment. Your payments will be such accordingly. In the event you miss lessons I need you to proceed to acquire a reschedule to meet the three lesson minimum.
Q: Three lesson minimum, pt. 2?
A: The best learning is achieved through weekly lessons. The three lesson approach is fine for some. I really need to know your scheduled lessons in advance. Without such there's less opportunity for me to reuse your unscheduled times.
Q: Forgotten/missed payment?
A: Get that in soon if you can, mail works well.
Q: We’re going out of town for an extended amount of time, can we skip a payment?
A: If you remain on the
schedule, reserving your time slot, you must continue to pay. You may consider a leave of absence & start again at a later day/time without fees. I can't not work during your lesson time. Virtual is an option too.
Q: Are virtual lessons effective?
A: Surprisingly, yes! There's growth, accountability, sharing, most of the same pros. Some students even prefer the concise 30 min. (vs. 60-80m w/travel time). Cons would be a slightly limited audio/visual experience.
Q: Do we need books?
A: There are some books I really like/use:
-Solo Guitar Playing by F. Noad (note reading/classical)
-Progressive Jazz Guitar by Sutton/Turner (learning chord charts/comping)
-Blank Writing Tablature & Spiral Notebook
There are often books I can get at a discounted rate, often in stock & for sale. Please inquire.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: I took on my first student in 1989 and have been teaching professionally since 1991.
Q: Do you play in bands?
A: Yes! I try to add upcoming concert dates to monthly lesson memos. Try to catch one sometime.